Nīwenglisc adiht

Rihtstefn adiht

  • IPA: /mjuːˈteɪʃən/

Wordstǣr adiht

  • Ofcumen of Middlum Englisce mutacioun, of Ealdum Frencisce mutacion, of Lǣdene mūtātiō, of þǣm forþgewitenan dǣlnimende þæs wordes mūtare

Nama adiht

mutation, (mnf. mutations)

  1. wandlung
  2. (sprǣccræft) sēo wandlung þe ofcymþ sōn þurh his gefēgunge tō ōðrum sōne, swā mid ymbswēge
  3. (līfcræft) sēo wandlung þæs DNA rāpes wiþinnan gene oþþe chromosome ānes wihtes

Word mid gelīcum sweotolungum adiht

Word mid ungelīcum sweotolungum adiht